Monday, December 7, 2009


Alhamdulillah and thanks to Allah because bring my parents and Mama (aunts) back home with safe and sound. Glad, happy and very excited when seeing them at KLIA yesterday with a smile on their face, even though Mak looks skinny than before. Is like they go for their Hajji with bless from Allah. Inside the car when on the way back to grandma house, we talked a lot. Especially Mak, macam2 nk disembangkan. Yeah this is her first time going to Makkah even ayah too. So inside the car, macam2 Mak story to me how's she got difficult to eat and everything. Mak and ayah pulak kat sane tiba2 demam, batok plus selsema until now. May be because of perubahan cuaca kot... So yesterday we arrived at home around 230am. And now mak and ayah is get busy with their self to unpacked all the stuff and had to entertain all the jiran2 and tetamu yang datang. huhu dah macam artis pulak dorang nih. And for this recent time, please don't come to my house. Because the condition looks like 'stor simpanan barang' or 'tempat meniaga' sebab penuh dengan makan2 junk food and baju2 yg they beli kt sana. haha sepah weyh! Macam2 mak beli and spending about _ _ _ _k! (can't mention). huhu dan nasib baik she's got somenthing to me. Tu yang penting! hahaha.... But I don't expect anything from them. Tapi dah dia belikan, so just take it lah! heee.... And now, mak and ayah masih lagi berkemas barang dia dan tetamu masih lagi datang. Biarlah, hot story from Makkah, Madinah and lain2 blm abes lg kot! huhu...

Anyway, i decided not to play any other social networking services for some period times. Maybe a day, a week, a month or maybe for ever! I'm so sorry to all my friends there. I just don't like a mean person, harsh word, or annoying people. I'm sorry again because I'm not a kind of people who can accept a harsh word. I have my feelings. Please don't under estimate me or and judging me without knowing who I am. So far, I'm not in the mood to open things like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Friendster or else. Tq.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

No One Knows.

Hey, I'm here to speak about myself. How do i say this. Nobody knows is hard to stay alone without our parents. Ok, my parents are know doing their Hajji for 44 days and will come back home this Sunday. But what i'm trying to say is, when they are not around, i prefer to stay alone. siblings or relatives? sometimes you will be more comfortable to stay at your own house rather than staying at their house. kawan2? kadang2 dorang pn perlu luangkan masa utk diri dorang jgk and you can't stay with one person in a long period time plus lots of money you will spent together with them for a things like foods, entertainment and etc. so sometime i was thinking it's better to stay alone daripada ajak kwn2 dtg lepak rumah. duit boleh jmat babe. Stay alone? frankly speaking, it's ok if only for 3 to 4 days. but not for one weeks. you will go crazy dude! bosan, tapayah ckp la... watching tv, internet is ok la for 3 to 4 days, but not for the whole week. so sbb tu kdg2 aku hilang mood. nk kuar mestilah kena keluar duit. duit pulak mmg tk banyak.

Apa yang paling terasa bila duduk rumah tanpa mak dan ayah is, no one is gona cook for you, wash your laundry, prepare your stuff, bagi duit belanja and so on. Terasa sangat2. Everyday I will waiting for them to calls tp bkn tiap2 hari they call. Bila dpt dgr suara sgt teharu dan rindu tapi ayat rindu tu tk terungkap sebab malu nk luahkan. Cukuplah dapat dengar suara. Orang senang nasihat sabar..sabar... the word 'sabar' tu sampai tk larat nk dengar. is easy for them to said or maybe because they didn't feel it and not trying to put their self in my situation. yelah buat apa pulak dorang nk tau how is my feeling. ermm bila dengar orang kate tengah tunggu mak masak.nak makan jap. hurhh at that time sangat2 sentap dan sedih sebab tk dpt rase macam tu at the moment. but alhamdulillah i still can sabar walaupun kadang2 sabar ni menyakitkan hati.

So in a simple word, it's hard and really2 hard to stay alone...faktor kewangan sangat terhad. sampai penah sekali tinggal rm2 je dlm wallet n tergamam sekejap bila pikir esok nk makan apae. tp aku bersyukur sebab ada kakak aku, at least boleh tolong dan ambil berat pasal aku.yelah aku adik dia. And now i just hoping that my parents will come back home safely and i really miss them. so no more word 'sabar' anymore because of waiting for them.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I love my Nokia E71 as much I love you! huhu

Thursday, October 22, 2009



Miss You! :x

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jadual Exam This Semester!

This is my schedule exam for this semester... Thank God exam abes awal n ade gap between the papers n also put eco subject to the last day! huhu.... so GOOD LUCK PEOPLE! ;D

Friday, September 11, 2009

Mr. Bendahari =D

Hye2, jmpe lg... entry kali ni sambungan entry yg sebelum nih. Pasal calon YDP KOMED tuh! Result pn dah tawu. And for your infomation, aku dpt position as a Naib Bendahari! wahh kira yg kt atas2 jgk ar... huhu kt atas ni carta organisasi KOMED betch kite org. Aku yg pegang duit mcm kipas tuh... kate bendahari kn...

Popular jd MT KOMED? yeker??
Bg aku biasa je... same je.. cume bg aku sejak jd MT KOMED nih, kne byk deal n berjumpa dgn ramai org. Letih siot! nk melayan karenah student2 setiap betch. So automatically, mmg MT2 KOMED ni dikenali ramai sbb byk kne deal dgn org.

Letih tk jd MT KOMED?
Letih tp seronok sgt2! Tp we are working under pressure. If ade event mcm2 problem dtg bertubi2... bajet lah, tempat n tarikh la. And baru2 ni aku dilantik jd Ketua Projek utk Jamuan Hari Raya & Anugerah Dekan untuk seluruh mass com. Dan event ni buat aku jd sgt2 penat dan letih! Tp so far aku still boleh bertahan lg. Korang sume, jangan tk dtg jamuan Hari Raya & Anugerah Dekan ni k! Please support me n KOMED. Lg2 ni 1st event yg aku handle kt dlm UiTM nih.

Seronok tk jd MT KOMED?
Seronok!! Tk caye tnye la sume bekas2 MT KOMED yg dolu2... Dpt mencapap. Dpt usha2. Dpt cuci mata... hahaha yeah that's the normal thing that people(including me =D)do. Yang lain tuh, byk lg benefit2 yg kite dpt.

Apa kerja KOMED?
KOMED buat mcm2 aktiviti utk sume student mass com. Annual event like FESKOM, INDUCTION PART 1, AGM, JAMUAN RAYA & ANUGERAH DEKAN, sume tu di handle oleh KOMED. n insyaallah, akan ada event2 yg menarik KOMED akn prepare n buat utk student2 mass com. Insyaallah...

So, aku rase tu jelah yg korang ptot tau psl KOMED. If nk tau lg, boleh tnye zewl k! huhu... nway, thxs sbb bace entry kali nih. jmpe lg... muaxhh!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Susah Nak Percaya....

Kebelakangan nih, macam2 benda berlaku kt aku.... Macam susah nak percaya... Tapi itulah hakikatnye...

Pekara pertama yang aku masih tak percaya is aku ialah one oh the KOMED committee! and DISURUH bertanding untuk rebut jawatan YDP n NYDP. Dan time tuh muka aku ade lah terpampang kt seluruh BA...huhu popular weyh mencapap :-D

aku dicalonkan utk jawatan YDP & NYDP

So, kt atas ni poster yg KOMED lama buat utk 'promote' kite org...
Pic aku ade gak kt dlm poster tuh. Pandai2 lah korang carik.hehe...
Dan dorang suruh kite org campaign,macam tampal2 poster, bagi fliers... So aku pn
gigih la suruh sesorang untuk 'mendesign'kan poster n fliers aku untuk bertanding
dapatkan jawatan yang POPULAR dalam KOMED tuh.

ni lah fliers n poster aku

And we had be given a week to promote ourself to all the Masscomers so they will
vote for us... But not for me, even though i have my posters n fliers, i didn't promote
myself much because I don't think that I'm suitable for that position. And at that
moment, I felt like a bit tension and fade up about all thins things. Serabut
kepala otak je! So I were decided not to do any 'self promotion' except for my
level mateand my classmate. Dorang yang gigih tolong promote kan aku. hehehe
thxs for those who did that for me =D

And the result who will be the YDP and NYDP will be announce at AGM night...
Before the AGM night, all the Part 4 students have to attend
'the must program every sem' which is PPKP.

PPKP sem ni kne main Explorace... Even pengarah campus kate tk boleh buat
aktiviti luar, tpexplorace ni boleh plak buat?? hurmm.... so setelah penat giler2
tahap gaban berlari2 sbb explorace nih, nasib class aku menang dpt tempat ke2
daripada 23 kumpulan taw! hahaa...
walaupun class aku nmpk slow n sepi je... tp bakan calang2 class okay!!

So lepas je abes program PPKP, mlm tu plak ade AGM Mass Comm. Well this is
an annual program for our faculty. And for your information, AGM kali ni sgt
special bagi aku sbb mlm tu aku dah jadi part of the KOMED committee... And
malam tu jgk aku dah rase penat and hatic nye jd KOMED nih. Tapi seronok!
Malam AGM ni jugak lecturer akan announce who will be the next YDP and
NYDP KOMED. Siap ada montaj lg! haha MEGA!

Well here, I would like to said congratulation to Nur Dhiya Aizat as a new KOMED
President and also to Nur Haniz as the Vice President. You guys deserve that
position. And as for me, it's enough to take the position as the 'Penolong Bendahari'.
Tu pn dah cukup berat dah.hehe...

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Macam nak resign je.... hurmmm.... ;-(

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vote for ZUL!

Hey vote for me for the next YDP n NYDP for KOMED club! But anyway, i didn't hope to get these position much. Because there are plenty of them who qualified to get this position. But as for me, if i get this position, i'll do my job very well! I know I'm represent from all the Mass Comm students faculty(Diploma). So I have to give them all the good and better service for our own goodness. So, for mass comm students, if you guys wanted a good change, so do VOTE for me okay! huhuhu... Your kindness I'll appreciate it much! Thank you.... ;-D

Friday, August 7, 2009

My New Commitment!

I'm a new KOMED(Mass Comm club for diploma) committee! yeayy.... ;D

Thank you for the lecturers who choose me to joined this club and for friends, please guide me through this club activities... Thank you!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

About My Feeling...

Hye is been quite long i didn't do my writing anything here... Well, talking about feels or feeling, I don't know what is happen to my feeling. I felt like I'm too emotional n depressed lately... To be honest, I'm 'with' somebody now. Don't ask me who! But sometimes when I'm thinking of something or know something which I don't like to know, it could spoiled my feeling! and ruined my mood... Hurrmmm... I wish I could live with joy and happiness with some one that i love....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Second Week....

Hye, jumpe lagi kat sini... Well, this is a second week for this semester... And if you asked me how is going on here? My answered would be the same "Boring!!" plus sekarang kecoh pasal H1N1, selsema babi n macam-macamlah... Benda ni dah kecoh dari hari ahad hari tu. And at that the time I was at home n mak tak bagi aku balik campus sebab risau yg H1N1 ni berjangkit kat aku pulak... Yelah aku ni kan insan yang lemah! huhuhu... Hari tu pulak aku dah rase macam nak demam. Tapi demam2-demam manje lah cuz time tu boleh lagi kuar dengan "member" pegi tgk wayang bagai... hehehe...

So ari isnin aku balik jugak campus sebab propa2 yg kate dpt cuti seminggu tuh sume tak betol!! hampehh!! aku dah feeling2 nk sambung cuti seminggukan.... tp yg ado! so terpakselah balik isnin tuh.. and aku tak faham lah.. latest info yg aku dgr dah 7 org kena virus tuh and 60 org suspected. bukan aku mengharap sgt nk cuti(tp apa lah jua kiranya klu cuti pn) tp org2 atasan uitm tetap tanak tutup campus lendu nih.. tataw la nape... kate 7 org tk cukup kuat utk alasan nk tutup campus... ermm ntah lah... maybe they have their own reason la kan...

Skrg nih aku still rase tk sehat badan... n baru je td (pukul 7 ptg, hari rabu) one of my level mate aku kena hantar pg hospital sbb demam yg sgt terok... dan aku merasa tersangat-sangatlah bosan kt dalam bilik nih... yg penting hujung minggu ni aku nk balik rumah!! bosan......

Monday, July 6, 2009

First Class....

Hye! Today is a first day class...
My class started at 2:30pm for Economic class.
Well, is quite boring and I don't like the atmosphere of the class much.
I don't know why...
Maybe I'm not ready for my studies yet.
In the class, I was choosed to be the Class Representative.
But because of my mood, I just reject from to be the class rept.
I don't know what happened to my mood today...
And thank God i just got one class for Monday!
That's all for now...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Study Time...

Arghh only a few days left for me to rest before going back to my campus and start the new semester.... Rasa mcm tak puas je cuti lagi... Kawan2 pn tak abes jumpa lagi... Well, i'll be in part 4 in this new semester. Is like I'm still dreaming that now i will be in part 4!! hahaha dah besar kau zewl! =D

For this new semester, I have to change everything. I have to be more serious and put more focus for my study, more committed with the assignment that had be given by the lecturer, jangan menggedix or menjalang kt cafe, dining or blok2 lain. zewl you are student, not PELACUR!! erkk?? Then spent more time at library, ask friends and seniors or lecturer if didn't know anything about something.

Well new semester is all about new determination for myself. I've to get a good CGPA and get a better pointer... Insyaallah... =D

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Scedule for New Semester....

(ADV241) = Advertising
(BRO231) = Broadcasting
(ECO101) = Economy
(LIB202) = Issues in Modern Malaysia
(PUB251) = Publishing
(PUB252) = Publication
fuhh my new schedule for next semester so pack!! But thank god there's only one class at 8:30am which is in friday... huhuhu... well best of luck for the next semester everybody!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


My mum bought me an iPhone. Mula2 pakai memang agak susah sikit... Mungkin sebab aku tak reti guna lagi kot... Sampai pening kepala aku nk guna phone nih. Tulah, kadang2 benda canggih pun susah jugak nk guna kn?

Monday, June 15, 2009


Sedang sibuk2 tolong mak kemas2 barang dia untuk ke China, tiba2 mak dpt call kata mak cik dia meninggal tgh hari tadi...Well she's my grandma sister actually so our family is quite close with her. Last jumpa dia masa raya dulu. Masa tu dia dah start sakit dah... Duduk sorang2 kt kerusi sambil termenung...

Cerita pasal meninggal ni, kadang2 kita terlupa tentang pekara kematian ni... Adakah kita dah bersedia untk menghadapi kematian??
Dah cukup ke semua amalan2 kita selama kita hidup nih?? Erm aku rasa diri aku belum cukup dengan amalan2 baik sebelum menghadapi kematian.... So, malam ni lepas manghrib, aku dan family akan berangkat ke kg. baru untuk menziarahi jenazah untuk kali yang terakhir... Untuk family arwah, takziah aku ucapkan. Dan aku doakan kepada arwah semoga kau tenang disana dan semoga allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohmu...

*aku teringat dan rindu kat arwah kakak aku yg meninggal 9 tahun lepas.... sob sob = [

It's About Myself

zEwL has his own blog!!

Welcome to my blog and of course this is my official blog created by zEwL (which is me..hehe) as you guys knew me either from Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, Yahoo Messenger or at any other places in this earth. Well, keep in touch with my blog, enjoy reading my word and feel free to drop some of your comment okay... LURVE YOU!!