Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Study Time...

Arghh only a few days left for me to rest before going back to my campus and start the new semester.... Rasa mcm tak puas je cuti lagi... Kawan2 pn tak abes jumpa lagi... Well, i'll be in part 4 in this new semester. Is like I'm still dreaming that now i will be in part 4!! hahaha dah besar kau zewl! =D

For this new semester, I have to change everything. I have to be more serious and put more focus for my study, more committed with the assignment that had be given by the lecturer, jangan menggedix or menjalang kt cafe, dining or blok2 lain. zewl you are student, not PELACUR!! erkk?? Then spent more time at library, ask friends and seniors or lecturer if didn't know anything about something.

Well new semester is all about new determination for myself. I've to get a good CGPA and get a better pointer... Insyaallah... =D

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Scedule for New Semester....

(ADV241) = Advertising
(BRO231) = Broadcasting
(ECO101) = Economy
(LIB202) = Issues in Modern Malaysia
(PUB251) = Publishing
(PUB252) = Publication
fuhh my new schedule for next semester so pack!! But thank god there's only one class at 8:30am which is in friday... huhuhu... well best of luck for the next semester everybody!!

Monday, June 22, 2009


My mum bought me an iPhone. Mula2 pakai memang agak susah sikit... Mungkin sebab aku tak reti guna lagi kot... Sampai pening kepala aku nk guna phone nih. Tulah, kadang2 benda canggih pun susah jugak nk guna kn?

Monday, June 15, 2009


Sedang sibuk2 tolong mak kemas2 barang dia untuk ke China, tiba2 mak dpt call kata mak cik dia meninggal tgh hari tadi...Well she's my grandma sister actually so our family is quite close with her. Last jumpa dia masa raya dulu. Masa tu dia dah start sakit dah... Duduk sorang2 kt kerusi sambil termenung...

Cerita pasal meninggal ni, kadang2 kita terlupa tentang pekara kematian ni... Adakah kita dah bersedia untk menghadapi kematian??
Dah cukup ke semua amalan2 kita selama kita hidup nih?? Erm aku rasa diri aku belum cukup dengan amalan2 baik sebelum menghadapi kematian.... So, malam ni lepas manghrib, aku dan family akan berangkat ke kg. baru untuk menziarahi jenazah untuk kali yang terakhir... Untuk family arwah, takziah aku ucapkan. Dan aku doakan kepada arwah semoga kau tenang disana dan semoga allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohmu...

*aku teringat dan rindu kat arwah kakak aku yg meninggal 9 tahun lepas.... sob sob = [

It's About Myself

zEwL has his own blog!!

Welcome to my blog and of course this is my official blog created by zEwL (which is me..hehe) as you guys knew me either from Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, Yahoo Messenger or at any other places in this earth. Well, keep in touch with my blog, enjoy reading my word and feel free to drop some of your comment okay... LURVE YOU!!