Monday, December 7, 2009


Alhamdulillah and thanks to Allah because bring my parents and Mama (aunts) back home with safe and sound. Glad, happy and very excited when seeing them at KLIA yesterday with a smile on their face, even though Mak looks skinny than before. Is like they go for their Hajji with bless from Allah. Inside the car when on the way back to grandma house, we talked a lot. Especially Mak, macam2 nk disembangkan. Yeah this is her first time going to Makkah even ayah too. So inside the car, macam2 Mak story to me how's she got difficult to eat and everything. Mak and ayah pulak kat sane tiba2 demam, batok plus selsema until now. May be because of perubahan cuaca kot... So yesterday we arrived at home around 230am. And now mak and ayah is get busy with their self to unpacked all the stuff and had to entertain all the jiran2 and tetamu yang datang. huhu dah macam artis pulak dorang nih. And for this recent time, please don't come to my house. Because the condition looks like 'stor simpanan barang' or 'tempat meniaga' sebab penuh dengan makan2 junk food and baju2 yg they beli kt sana. haha sepah weyh! Macam2 mak beli and spending about _ _ _ _k! (can't mention). huhu dan nasib baik she's got somenthing to me. Tu yang penting! hahaha.... But I don't expect anything from them. Tapi dah dia belikan, so just take it lah! heee.... And now, mak and ayah masih lagi berkemas barang dia dan tetamu masih lagi datang. Biarlah, hot story from Makkah, Madinah and lain2 blm abes lg kot! huhu...

Anyway, i decided not to play any other social networking services for some period times. Maybe a day, a week, a month or maybe for ever! I'm so sorry to all my friends there. I just don't like a mean person, harsh word, or annoying people. I'm sorry again because I'm not a kind of people who can accept a harsh word. I have my feelings. Please don't under estimate me or and judging me without knowing who I am. So far, I'm not in the mood to open things like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Friendster or else. Tq.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

No One Knows.

Hey, I'm here to speak about myself. How do i say this. Nobody knows is hard to stay alone without our parents. Ok, my parents are know doing their Hajji for 44 days and will come back home this Sunday. But what i'm trying to say is, when they are not around, i prefer to stay alone. siblings or relatives? sometimes you will be more comfortable to stay at your own house rather than staying at their house. kawan2? kadang2 dorang pn perlu luangkan masa utk diri dorang jgk and you can't stay with one person in a long period time plus lots of money you will spent together with them for a things like foods, entertainment and etc. so sometime i was thinking it's better to stay alone daripada ajak kwn2 dtg lepak rumah. duit boleh jmat babe. Stay alone? frankly speaking, it's ok if only for 3 to 4 days. but not for one weeks. you will go crazy dude! bosan, tapayah ckp la... watching tv, internet is ok la for 3 to 4 days, but not for the whole week. so sbb tu kdg2 aku hilang mood. nk kuar mestilah kena keluar duit. duit pulak mmg tk banyak.

Apa yang paling terasa bila duduk rumah tanpa mak dan ayah is, no one is gona cook for you, wash your laundry, prepare your stuff, bagi duit belanja and so on. Terasa sangat2. Everyday I will waiting for them to calls tp bkn tiap2 hari they call. Bila dpt dgr suara sgt teharu dan rindu tapi ayat rindu tu tk terungkap sebab malu nk luahkan. Cukuplah dapat dengar suara. Orang senang nasihat sabar..sabar... the word 'sabar' tu sampai tk larat nk dengar. is easy for them to said or maybe because they didn't feel it and not trying to put their self in my situation. yelah buat apa pulak dorang nk tau how is my feeling. ermm bila dengar orang kate tengah tunggu mak masak.nak makan jap. hurhh at that time sangat2 sentap dan sedih sebab tk dpt rase macam tu at the moment. but alhamdulillah i still can sabar walaupun kadang2 sabar ni menyakitkan hati.

So in a simple word, it's hard and really2 hard to stay alone...faktor kewangan sangat terhad. sampai penah sekali tinggal rm2 je dlm wallet n tergamam sekejap bila pikir esok nk makan apae. tp aku bersyukur sebab ada kakak aku, at least boleh tolong dan ambil berat pasal aku.yelah aku adik dia. And now i just hoping that my parents will come back home safely and i really miss them. so no more word 'sabar' anymore because of waiting for them.